当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>起死回生大作战> 第46小节 MusicofNight 1

第46小节 MusicofNight 1

“Night time sharpens heightens each sensation ...

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination ...

Silently the senses abandon their defenses ...

Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour...

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender...

Turn your face away from the garish light of day...

Turn your face away from cold, unfeeling light...

And listen to the music of the night... ...”


开篇慢而又慢轻而又轻,犹如琴瑟心照不宣的互诉衷肠,累累进递,从一点静谧,从一片星屑开始,将夜的漆黑不露痕迹地撕开。直到一次又一次,“Listen to the music of the night...” 被重复唱响的时候,这一刻Prelude……




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